You may be wondering why you need a horse property specialist? Many people looking at your home may not be horse people but for the horse person, it is THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE AND BEST SELLING POINT OF YOUR HOME! Equestrians will pay top dollar and travel across city and county lines to have the best property for their passion….horses!
1. I’ve had my real estate license since 2002 and have participated in literally hundreds of transactions because I am also a Certified Transaction Coordinator. This has given me vast experience solving the problems and issues coming up while in escrow. I also know contracts and disclosures inside and out. Some people might even call me a "paperwork nerd". I know that there is great liability in the paperwork and so it must be done with every "i" dotted and every "t" crossed.
2. I’ve owned horses in Orange County for 28 years and throughout that time have networked with hundreds of equestrians. My "hood" is our city equestrian center which facilitates a lot of relationships within the community.
3. I helped start and run the local chapter of Pony Club which for many years was the largest and most vibrant of the entire region, networking with horse people throughout the state. This group is still going strong under new leadership.
4. I know and speak the language of “horse”. I know how to profile a buyer to find out what their specific needs are as a horse person (are they trail riders, arena riders, horse breeders, etc…). Each horse person has different wants and needs. I understand and can communicate with them effectively. I can also communicate the unique features of your property in a way they will understand and appreciate.
5. I have a database of several hundred horse people who I have come into contact with over the years. When I reach out to them and they reach out to their circle of horse friends, I’m potentially able to reach thousands of horse people who may know someone who is looking for a horse property like yours.
6. I know the nooks and crannies where horse people look for homes—the websites, the venues, the feed stores, the print magazines etc…--to best get the word out. This is the world I live in.
Please don’t overlook this very important niche when choosing an agent to showcase and sell your home! I really hope you might consider “picking me” when you are ready to sell your home. Call me today or Click Here for your Free Market Analysis and Strategic Plan for getting your home sold!